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March 17, 2010



Good article, and not too content rich that I can't recall what I've read...the smarter we get the less information we want and to the point...what's up with that?
Tks Craig
Speak With Ease Now

Tom Mahoney

This is an excellent point in keynotes, motivational talks and the like, but what if, like me, your presentations are informational as in teaching?

I teach credit card fraud prevention for e-commerce merchants and even in a four-hour session (with breaks of course) I need to give them a LOT. If I cut content, they haven't learned what they need to know but I do feel like I'm cramming them and some of them act like it too!

I do minimal PowerPoint with no more than a dozen or so slides in the presentation so I don't overload them with that.

Any thoughts?


I love your article, sometimes we want to say so many things, and then we realize we did not say anything. Thank you so much Craig.

Herbert Riemer

Hi Graig:
Greetings from Toronto, Canada.
You had my attention about content overflow. Your experience and process sparks the right fire in your audiences hearts.
Focusing your content in priority order,is also time consuming.
It's the self-confidence to push for faster advancement. Great advice, which will increase my next steps for better speeches.
Have a smiling day. With kindly regards from Herbert.

Craig Valentine

You're very welcome Herbert! Thanks.

Andrew Smith

Great points! Have you read Brain Rules by John Medina? He makes a similar point about making one point every ten minutes, he suggests that that's how long an audience can pay attention to a topic before they need a change.

Craig Valentine

Thanks Andrew. I had not read that one yet but, thanks to you, I'll pick it up. All the best!

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