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December 16, 2009


Erin Shell Anthony, MBA

Great advice! I've seen that same theme throughout my communications, and it does seem like people retain the information when it's in 3's. Less is definitely more. Thanks for the insight on different ways to apply this concept - very valuable!


I found this post to be informative, practical and strangely addictive.
(what just happened...?)

Laura Houghton

Funny about that caveat...I seem to remember someone making that mistake when test-driving a speech at the District Conference in Calgary... oh wait, that was me! I've never forgotten the help you gave me that day, Craig - thanks again.

"Fast Track"

Craig Valentine

Thanks Palmo. I love your use of the Rule of 3. lol.

Craig Valentine

Hi Fast Track! It's great to hear from you. I remember that day very well and I'm glad you do too.

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