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November 17, 2009



Absolutely brilliant stuff, as always, Craig.

The whole tease idea (which copywriters refer to as the Ziegarnik effect) is useful in just about every situation where you want to capture the audience's attention and get them hanging on to your every word.

As long as they know that you're going to reveal that little secret later on, they won't be able to stop listening until they hear it.

Thanks so much for showing how to use that tool to transition into a captivating story.

P.S. I'm actually a member of the same Toastmasters club as you (Randallstown) and would love to meet you in person...when are you coming to a meeting next? :-)

Take care,

Craig Valentine

Thanks Yudi! I look forward to coming to a meeting soon after I get off the road for a bit. So hopefully we will meet in the near future.

Jayashri V

This really is a very nice and good way to put it. Thanks a bunch.

Simon Raybould

Nicely put! Like you, I find the transition into the story part the most challenging - typically I'll move into it via words like "A friend of mine..." or "I don't know if you remember when...". The key, in my experience, is to keep it personal.

Nice tip

I have a similar technic called "Define, Discuss, Decide" which does a similar thing over the whole of the presentation, rather than being a short-term tactic like yours is.

Many thanks for posting it.


Tony C

The Tap, Tease, and Transport process makes a huge difference in the speaker's ability to connect with the audience. Even though these tips benefit the audience, there is another benefit that often goes unstated--the immediate boost to a speaker's confidence that occurs when a speaker implements a tip and sees how effective it has been. It's like afterburners kicking in on your confidence in mid-flight. It made me think, "Yeah, I belong up here after all. I can do this."

That confidence boost pushes the speaker's performance ability to a new level.


Fantastic, Craig. I'm really looking forward to meeting you!


Public Speaking Course

Great stuff - as always.


Darren Fleming
Australia's Corporate Speech Coach

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