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June 17, 2009




Great ideas as usual. I think it was Jim Rohn who once said, "If you are going to talk for an hour about success, why not spend the first 55 minutes on how you've failed. That will establish credibility."

Listeners tend to relate to people that are like them, reaching for ideas to become better. A speaker who thinks they are "special" puts their message out of ranch, and out of action for MOST people.



Thanks for being there for the world. It's unbelievable that these tips are free! These are all time great ideas not only for public speaking, but for improving people's lives. Please keep it up. I wish I could see you in action live.

As you say "write it down." I've indeed written that dream down! God bless. Mugisa M, Kampala Uganda.


This is absolutely true. I had the privilege to be part of your audience and you truly connected with the audience. I left that the conference feeling inspired to take action on my own life.

brian robinson

you are absolutely right when you use "most people". No one - or most of the people you are speaking to - want to be like "most people". Everyone wants to be speacial. thanks! Great tip...

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