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January 15, 2009


Sherri Raftery


Thank you for posting these concrete formulas to writing a good speech. Watching and listening a speech unfold is one part but learning the techinques of creating, writing and developing the speech is of equal importance.

So thanks for sharing your secrets - I really appreciate your wisdom!

I am still in the process of working on my "FINDING A FORMULA FOR YOUR FUTURE"!!


Sherri Raftery, M. Ed.
Boston, MA




Thank you for sharing the Five Part Formula...You mention in your article that the points you've made are just the tip of the iceberg for that topic. Can you suggest a resource for finding out more?

Kind regards,

Daron Powers


Once again. Rock solid advice for keeping the audience engaged. As a former Dale Carnegie Instructor our first goal is to get the speaker on an incident from their lives.


Daron Powers
Author, Speaker, Business Coach

carol sanzo

Thanks for that, that was really great, I use to dream of speaking to hundreds all the time, but now I feel it was presumptuous, there are things in my life that need to line up with the vision...don't know how long that's going to take.....Cheers Carol

Carl Duivenvoorden

Craig, this is excellent information - I'm sharing it with my clubs! Thank you,


Concepcion Shimerda

Craig, I'm glad I bought your speech CDs, because I get these extra coaches from you, I mean the different strategies reflected in your newsletter. I constantly read them again and again until I can apply those technique in my own speeches. I am still working on the 10 CDs that I bought from you (Home-Study Course for Speakers). Thanks for sharing those excellent information. Thanks again.
Concepcion Shimerda

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