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January 07, 2009


Australia's Public Speaking Coach

Hi Craig,

Great points - as always.

I particularly like the one about choosing questions from all corners of the room. I hate it when speakers just focus on those at the front.



Kelly Chick

Craig, Your detail and down-to-earth, straight-shot, nail-it-on-the nose, retainable suggestions are exceptional in content AND delivery ~ both when written and spoken. Thank you so much for sharing the obvious and not-so-obvious things to think about, which, if left unsaid would surely get more easily missed. Not only do I benefit, but I am sure whoever is in the audience to whom I am delivering my speech does as well.

Kelly Chick
Ketchikan, Alaska

Daron Powers

Nice job Craig.

As a speaking coach myself you give effective reminders.

You're an asset to the community.

When it comes to Q & A… I usually ask…

"Who has the first question?"

All the Best!

Daron Powers

Barbara Martin

Hi Craig! Thank you for sharing this terrific resource. You have such a knack for explaining how/why the steps you describe work together to improve a presentation. I learn something important from each post and I learn something new each time I re-read the older posts. Thanks again!

Dorothea Stuart

Hi Craig
I went to a presentation this week where there were very few questions. This may have been, partly, because the structure of the presentation was a bit confusing. However, if the speaker had used your Key 2 - what questions do you have? - I am sure there would have been plenty! Thanks for this wording. I'll use it myself and pass it on. Dorothea

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